Monday, January 31, 2011

if science were magic...

Have I ever talked about how much I want to travel?  I want to see the world, to smell new smells that my brain hasn't even conceived of.  Not necessarily bad smells. Good smells, like rain, or curry.  You know what I mean.

I think I've heard somewhere that smell is the closest link to memory.  What if you have a moment that you want to remember forever, but instead of a photo album, you had a...SCENT ALBUM! Wouldn't that be so cool?  You could take the smelly (not necessarily in a bad way, I must reiterate) things that are around you during, say, your wedding, or the birth of your child (on second thought, maybe not the child one,) and somehow store them, writing down the date of the occasion. Or maybe you record the smells on the day you meet the most important people in your life, but of course, you would have no idea if he or she was going to end up being important or not.  So what you could do is catalogue the smells surrounding your meetings with everyone you meet, and discard the ones that don't end up mattering in the long run! 

I have the strangest ideas.  I may need to be stopped. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

it's all good

Math homework, pandora, warm socks. Denied from a college, accepted to others. I can't remember how to factor a cubic polynomial, but I'm still fuzzy on why I have to in the first place? I'm supposedly finding the point where the tangent of a curve meets the curve again (because it's a cubic function, so it's like you flipped half of a parabola upside down). I understand the problem conceptually until the middle of it, when the example in the book factors the equation of the original function to somehow find the point...anyway. I don't want to go to school on Monday. Yuck.

Sorry kids, but I think I have stopped thinking. Which sort of affects writing.

Why has flamenco music come up on my pandora? Also, did you know that there is a genre called Gypsy Punk? For realsies. Then again, there is Wizard Rock, so why not?

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I haven't written in a while.  I don't think I've had the time really.  I'm all done with applying to colleges though, so that should help a bit, right?  

For one of my college essays, I wrote about how I want to save the world.  I hope that they understand that I do not suffer from delusions of grandeur, but that I just have this feeling that if I could solve everybody's problems, everything would be better.  I've started to do this thing where I ask a person whether he/she has any problems that need solving, and if he/she needs any advice.  I say it like I'm joking, but I'm really not.  My hope is that if I present the question as a joke, somebody will answer with another joke, and that within their joke lies the truth; the problem that needs to be taken care of.  I hope that I have the answers.  Even if I don't, I can make it sound like I do.  Later I'll confess that I don't actually know how to fix what is wrong, that I can't save the world yet, that I need some more time.  I will be disappointed.  The save-ee will be disappointed too, but not as much as I will be, because he/she never really expected me to be able to save them in the first place.  I will move on to the next person.  They will tell me that they do not have any problems.  I will accept their lie without questioning it, understanding that maybe people don't want to talk about their problems to some weird, falsely-cheery, seventeen year old girl who acts like she cares.  (The truth is, she actually does care, but it often  seems like she's pretending.)